Nancy is not currently accepting new students, but you may reach out to her for more information about upcoming openings. Her business line is 720-593-9778.

PRIVATE LESSONS on Violin, Fiddle, Viola, Cello, String Bass

Take some private lessons! Get motivated! Learn new skills and new songs! Have fun!

Nancy is an experienced, patient, and energetic teacher who makes learning and playing music fun! She customizes each lesson to the needs of the student, and makes sure things move at the right pace - with enough challenges for the student to learn new things and grow, balanced with enough successes to maintain enjoyment and confidence. At the first lesson, Nancy interviews the student to identify their interests and what types of music they like. She also discusses goals and plans, what they'd like to learn, and how much time they typically practice each day/week. It's also important to go over teaching/learning styles, since everyone learns things in different ways. Nancy customizes the lessons to the needs of the student, and does frequent informal evaluations to make sure things are still on track. She is patient and encouraging - absolutely no pressure! Her love of music is contagious, and her students are typically well-motivated by this approach.

In addition to face-to-face instruction time, Nancy also prepares sheet music, recordings and videos for students to help them better understand the material and improve as players and musicians.